viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

FInal Reflection play

The project of creativity class called the Halloween party, was quite an experience for me. Luckily, I already had some experience in acting and presenting in front of people. Furthermore, stressful was not present. The interaction among students from different semester made the process more enjoyable. However, discovering that we had to present the play a second time was surprising. We were also promised to not have any term papers and we were lied to! I am glad I did it though.  I am a fun outgoing person who enjoys this kind of activities but what really hurt me was I felt that I was lied to. To finish, I got to show my talent make people laugh and help people learn English.

The halloween party.

Throughout the play we can observe the themes of mystery and comedy. The plot of the play implies a mystery since new things are being revealed as the plot advances. Furthermore, in between those mystery moments we can also observe a hint of comedy. The play is funny by nature and tries to cause laugh into the audience. As mentioned above. Themes such as comedy and mystery were constant in the play.

The setting of the play is in a mansion. The events in the play happen in the living room of a fancy mansion. This mansion is located in a hard to reach place according to the dialogs. IT is in the woods, creepy and spooky woods as mentioned by guest number one. Some of the events occurred in the kitchen also. The setting of the place can be generally described as a gloomy mansion in the woods.

As oppose to the mystery theme in the play the mood and tone was mostly comedic. The play caused laughter in the public and was mostly receive well. People never really gave other comment than that it was a fun play to watch. Furthermore, the mood of play was funny. IT made people laugh and forget about their problems for a while.

The play proved to be a powerful tool in EFL classrooms. After it was presented many teachers used the play to retrieve information about Halloween in their classrooms. Many used them as part of their oral exams. Also, some teachers asked students to change part of the script and perform it again to practice English skills. These goes to show how great of a tool the play is in an EFL classroom.

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

The halloween party.

The halloween party is a play performed by the students of the IFD. To add, This play focusses a party which takes place in a far far away place in the woods. Invitations are sent to three people to attend. Furthermore, Trisha and her sister are the ones sending the invitation. In the party the guests encounter a butler named Jerry. he introduces them to the party and guides them through comedic unusual situations. Guest number four appears unexpectedly and things get weirder.

martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

After reading animal farm I could make the connection between the novel and Communist russia after the revolution. It was an interesting deep reading who made me think about ideologies and what they really represent. Lies were involved and brains were washed to accept this. Boxe's ded marked something it was a point of no return and the confirmation of everything he never had a bad quality. Those good qualities made him die.

Boxer is seriously injured and still working to build a windmill for the farm. He wants to retire and said that he only woh is to see the windmill before he does. It was promise to te animals that horses will retire at the age of twelve. Boxer is now neat this age.

Food is running out and everyone starts starving exempt for te pigs and the dogs. Squealer provides data showing that the amount of food now is greater that that of when they were under the administration of the farmer. Napoleon asks for a school to be build for his kids. animals start chanting around the farm and listening to speeches.

Boxer dies and the pigs lie to animals about what happen to him.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

In this chapter we can observe different levels of literacy among the animals. The pigs tried to teach the other animals but they didn't want to learn. This causes the pigs to be in a way the owners of the truth, since knowledge is power. The seven commandments that were stablished before. 
  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
  1. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  1. No animal shall wear clothes.
  1. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  1. No animal shall drink alcohol.
  1. No animal shall kill any other animal.
  1. All animals are equal.
rapidly change to a new and only motto. “Four legs good, two legs bad.”. This will have more significance in later chapters. 



Finishing chapter number two, we can see better the parallelism between russia and animal farm. The speech given in this chapter to the other animals bears many similarities to Marx’s Communist Manifesto and to Lenin’s writings. The animals represent the working class of Russia. Boxer and Clover, to give an example show how the working class was loyal, hard working and easily manipulable. The pigs are responsible of the revolution. providing propaganda and religious hope.